1Kosmos as a Credential Service Provider (CSP)
NIST Special Publication 800-63A Enrollment and Identity Proofing provides detailed requirements and controls for the enrollment and identity proofng of individuals into digital identity systems.
Identity proofing is the process by which a Credential Service Provider (CSP) collects and verifies information about a person for the purpose of issuing credentials to that person, as illustrated below:
These identity proofing processes and associated controls and requirements are presented in NIST SP 800-63A in order to achieve the following processing objectives:
Resolve a claimed identity to a single, unique identity within the context of the population of users served by the CSP.
Validate that all evidence that is supplied is valid (correct) and genuine (not counterfeit or misappropriated); and that the claimed identity exists in the real world.
Verify that the claimed identity is associated with the real person supplying the identity evidence.