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Setting up IP-based Authentication Journey in AdminX


This guide explains how to create an IP-based authentication journey in AdminX, allowing you to manage a range of IP addresses for specific user journeys, allowlists, or blocklists. The CSV upload feature in AdminX streamlines the process of adding IP addresses.


Before proceeding, ensure the following:

  • You are logged in as a community admin in AdminX.
  • The page with Adaptive Authentication Journeys is accessible.
  • You have a valid CSV file containing IP addresses in different formats (single IP, CIDR, IP Range).

Step 1: Adding a New Adaptive Auth Journey

  1. Navigate to the Adaptive Authentication section in AdminX.
  2. Click on Add new adaptive auth journey to create a new journey.
  3. Provide a name for the journey. For example, External Vendor IP allowlist.
  4. Under Conditions, select IP Address and choose the operator is in the range of.

Step 2: Uploading IP Addresses from CSV

  1. Within the IP Address condition section, click on the Choose IP input field or click the + icon.
  2. A modal window titled Add IP Address will appear.
  3. Select Upload from CSV.

Step 3: Verifying File Upload

  1. Choose the *.csv file from your device and click Open.
  2. Once the file is selected, its name will be displayed in a separate field.
  3. A File is uploaded message will confirm the successful upload.
  4. Review the list of IP addresses to ensure accuracy and validity.

Step 4: Saving and Confirmation

  1. Click the Save button to proceed.
  2. If all IP values are valid, the modal window will close, and the added values will be displayed in the IP address input field.

Step 5: Providing a Valid Decision and Saving

  1. Enter a valid decision and click Save.
  2. You will be redirected to the Adaptive Authentication Journeys page.
  3. The new authentication journey, with IP as one of the conditions, will be visible.

Next Steps