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SSH Login for Linux


1Kosmos BlockID Login for Linux integrates with PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) to enable SSH login on Linux systems. It offers both standalone authentication and 2FA/MFA options, supporting various methods like PUSH Notification, TOTP, OTP via Email, OTP via SMS, and Password.

Supported Authentication methods

Any combination of the following online authentication methods is supported when using BlockID PAM:

  • PUSH Notification
  • TOTP from BlockID app
  • OTP via Email
  • OTP via SMS
  • BlockID Password

For example, admin can enable push notification and SMS OTP as authentication methods and provide user with the flexibility to choose any of the enabled methods during login or enforce all the enabled authentication methods as MFA.


  • BlockID PAM installer
  • Root access to Linux host
  • SSHD service running
  • Network connectivity to 1Kosmos cloud
  • BlockID Mobile Application installed and linked to your account

The BlockID Linux PAM can only be used to authenticate accounts in user directories connected to your 1Kosmos tenant.

Installation and Configuration

Supported OS

  • RHEL 6, 7, 8, and 9.


To install the BlockID Linux PAM on your Linux host, please follow these steps:

  • Install Prerequisite Packages

The BlockID Linux PAM requires the installation of some prerequisite packages. Packages can be installed using the command:

sudo yum install -y tar libuuid vim-common libcurl
  • Download and extract the BlockID Linux PAM package

Navigate to the folder containing the PAM package and install it:

sudo ./blockId.<version>.<timestamp>.sh



It is advisable to keep an additional root shell accessible before modifying your PAM files or sshd configuration to avoid unintentionally locking yourself out. Furthermore, it is crucial to verify the functionality of your PAM configuration locally before testing it with SSH logins. Please take backup of the respective files that are to be modified as mentioned below.

License file Configuration


Only a user with root privileges can update the configuration file.

To configure the login mechanism in the BlockID Linux PAM, you need to modify the BlockID configuration file on your system. The location of this file is /opt/BlockId/data/license_config.

A sample license_config file looks like this:

  • Using a text editor such as vi, update the COMMUNITY and TENANT_DNS in this file with your tenant details (dummy details provided below):

SSH and PAM file configurations

password-auth (/etc/pam.d/password-auth)

When updating the /etc/pam.d/password-auth file, it's crucial to ensure that the authentication rules are properly configured to accommodate BlockID 2FA. Here's what needs to be done:

  • There should not be any auth rule with control flag as sufficient or [...success=done...] , as it will bypass any other PAM (BlockID) after itself.

  • For any auth rule having control flag as sufficient needs to be changed to [success=X default=ignore] , where X is the number of auth rules, below current auth rule, in the same file.

  • For any auth rule having [...success=done...] needs to be changed to [success=X default=ignore], where X is the number of auth rules, below current auth rule, in the same file. This will not create technical change in password-auth and simultaneously allow blockid 2FA to work.

    For example, if a rule exists as below:
    auth sufficient forward_pass

    And there are 3 more auth rules below it, then the changed rule will be:
    auth [success=3 default=ignore] forward_pass

  • Ensure that the last authentication rule, has the control flag set to requisite.

    So, if the rule looks like this:
    auth required

    The rule should be changed to:
    auth requisite

    A sample of password-auth file before modification:

    A sample of password-auth file after modifications:

sshd (/etc/pam.d/sshd)

When modifying /etc/pam.d/sshd follow these steps:

  • Add the auth rule after your primary authentication (which is password-auth by default) and set its control flag as requisite.
  • It is necessary to make changes to the control flag of other pam rules preceding, to ensure that any of these rules do not have either sufficient or success=done as the control flag.
  • If there is any another PAM file entry with control flag as substack, preceding the
    • Ensure its control flag is include,
    • Verify it doesn't contain auth rules marked as sufficient or success=done (see the changes required for /etc/pam.d/password-auth).

A sample of sshd file before modification:

A sample of sshd file after modification:

sshd_config (/etc/ssh/sshd_config)

The following flags and their values need to be added in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:

ChallengeResponseAuthenticationyesSpecifies whether to allow keyboard-interactive authentication.
KbdInteractiveAuthenticationyesDeprecated alias for ChallengeResponseAuthentication.
UsePAMyesEnables the Pluggable Authentication Module interface.
MaxAuthTries1Defines the maximum allowable number of authentication attempts per connection.
PubkeyAuthenticationnoSpecifies whether public key authentication is permitted, with the default setting being yes. 1Kosmos advises disabling this feature since it allows users to bypass the authentication process when using public key authentication.

Also, make a change in the file located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/50-redhat.conf. If this file exists, find the line that says ChallengeResponseAuthentication no and comment it out by adding a # at the beginning of the line, like this: # ChallengeResponseAuthentication no.

Configuration if SELinux is Enabled

Additional permissions are required if your Linux host has SELinux Enabled.

  • Verify selinux is enabled
  • Next, create a semodule and install it to allow the permissions for BlockID PAM module to work by completing the following step:

  • set selinux to Permissive

setenforce 0
  • Install the policycoreutils package (required to create and install a selinux module)
sudo yum -y install policycoreutils-python
  • If the above command gives package not found error, use the following command:
sudo yum -y install policycoreutils-python-utils
  • Open a new terminal window and connect to the same host using ssh. This connection is needed in order to create a log file we can audit in the next step.
ssh <username>@ip>
  • Once this is done, there are audit logs generated for sshd, highlighting the permissions required by the BlockID 2FA. Create a semodule from this.
sudo ausearch -c 'sshd' --raw | audit2allow -M BlockIDPAM
  • You should see a file/semodule named BlockIDPAM.te and BlockIDPAM.pp created. Install this module with the following command:
sudo semodule -i BlockIDPAM.pp
  • Set selinux to Enforcing
setenforce 1



The administrator must reverse any configuration changes made manually during the installation process before uninstalling the BlockID.

To uninstall BlockID PAM, run the following command:

sudo /opt/BlockId/bin/

Using SSH Login for Linux

Once BlockID PAM has been installed on your Linux host, users can use SSH Login by connecting with SSH. Please see below for examples.

SSH Login via Push Notification

  • On your client machine, connect to your Linux host using SSH.
  • When prompted, provide the password for first factor authentication.

  • You will see a menu of enable authentication methods for BlockID 2FA. Select option for PUSH.

  • You will receive a push notification to the mobile device linked to your account. Approve the request by clicking the notification.

  • After authenticating the request using your enrolled biometrics, you will be logged in to your Linux host.

SSH Login via OTP as authentication method with only BlockID mechanism

  • On your client machine, connect to your Linux host using SSH. You will be prompted to enter OTP.

  • Open the BlockID mobile application on your mobile device and take note of the displayed six-digit Workstation OTP (swipe left if you cannot see it).

  • Enter the same six-digit Workstation OTP from your app and press ENTER. If the OTP matches, you will be logged in to your Linux host.

SSH Login via Password, OTP, and Push Notification with only BlockID mechanism

  • On your client machine, connect to your Linux host using SSH.

  • You will be prompted to enter a six-digit OTP.

  • Open the BlockID mobile application on your mobile device and take note of the displayed six-digit Workstation OTP (swipe left if you cannot see it).

  • Enter the same six-digit Workstation OTP from your app and press ENTER.

  • You will receive a push notification to the mobile device linked to your account on successful OTP validation.

  • Approve the request by clicking the notification.

  • On successful authentication of push notification using your enrolled biometrics, enter your BlockID user password on the prompt and press ENTER.

  • After successful authentication, you will be logged in to your Linux host.

Troubleshooting SSH Login for Linux

Troubleshooting Logs

Users facing any issues logging in with BlockID PAM can troubleshoot the problem by checking their system logs.

  • First, check the BlockID PAM logs created in /var/log/blockId/blockId.log and look for error messages.

  • If the issue can't be solved from the BlockID logs above, check the system SSHD logs using the following command:

journalctl -t sshd -r
  • If needed, read selinux audit logs for any SELinux issues
ausearch -m avc -ts recent

Useful Commands

  • To verify if the sshd service is running, use the command: systemctl status sshd

  • Stop the sshd service: systemctl stop sshd

  • Start the sshd service: systemctl start sshd

  • Restart the sshd service: systemctl restart sshd

  • Check SELinux status: sestatus

  • Disable SELinux for the active session: setenforce 0 or setenforce Permissive

  • Enable SELinux for the active session: setenforce 1 or setenforce Enforcing